Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Successes and Failures

Nobody's perfect and I am no exception. I've been trying to improve some of my household issues. One of my successes is planting a vegetable garden. However, it still ended up cost me $50 even though many of the plants were a gift and some were replanting from food scraps like leaks, scallions, and arugula.  We bought 4 to 5 bags of topsoil and a bunch of plants like strawberries, basil, and green peppers. My mom bought me tons of other vegetables including broccoli, more basil, more peppers, brussel sprouts, and eggplant. I've been pretty diligent about watering. My husband tells me that the garden is a hobby and not a farm but I like to think that the vegetable garden is saving us money. I'm not sure about that now.

I've been fairly good about sweeping up and putting away my clothes and making my bed in the morning.  Though I could be more consistent, its something.

We got some doctors appointments taking care of this month which is great and more to come with camp looming.  We've also got lots and lots of activities for the kids in June including (but not limited to) a violin concert, acting performance, camp and new school orientations, and graduation. June is a busy month, I always forget that.

I've been doing some reading for pleasure which is always a nice thing. Another good thing is we've been doing is trying to purge, particularly clothes that the kids have grown and toys and books that they no longer need or use.  It doesn't seem to help.  😣  That may have something to do with I cannot get it OUT OF THE HOUSE. 

Okay, I also just made several loaves of challah, many jars of vegetable broth from my kitchen scraps, and six jars of my world famous, amazing spaghetti sauce filled with yummy, inexpensive veggies I purchased at good deals, and using low cost cans of tomato purchased during deep sales, and herbs from my garden.

In my "needs improvement" section, I want to do a better job of every day tidying up and maintenance.  Right now the house is a wreck. It's always such a challenge since the house is so messy and I'm so tired at the end of the day. So, the house continues to be messy. I've been good about keeping up with the dishes which my husband is a big help (he actually is the main dishwasher). This is a big deal since the dishwasher machine died and it's just the two of us and occasionally kids to help wash too.

One big aspect I really, really need to work on is dinner. Not only does it end up on the table very, very late but my very, very picky kids are usually unhappy with the meal. Many meals turn out fine and the kids just are finicky but some not so much. I've tried to include them in the meal planning process with limited success. I need to be more diligent on meal planning including freezer meals and using my crockpot. I'll let you know how that works out.  Hmmmm.

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