As I mentioned before, I'm not a really organized person by nature. My house is cluttered and not as clean as I prefer. However, I have been implementing some things in my life that have been helpful a la Flylady. It hasn't solved all my cleaning and organizing woes but it's made a few things easier.
First of all I keep a schmatta (rag) in both bathrooms and a toilet brush by each toilet so every time I'm in there I give it a wipe and a scrub and it's made the bathrooms much cleaner.
Also, I immediately put my keys and work ID back in my purse where it belongs so I have them when I need them. If I ever stray from that, all heck breaks loose.
I make my bed as soon as I get up and my room look much neater for it.
I strive to keep my sink free of dishes. This is a harder since our dishwasher has been broken for who knows how long. But it's nice to have clean dishes when you need them and not have a wreck in the sink.
Also, I attempt to tidy up before I go to work and before I go to bed.
Some things I'm working on:
Spending a few minutes or more every day cleaning up problem area.
Cleaning/tyding in the evening is a big deal. I'm usually busy making or cleaning up dinner and pretty exhausted.
Keeping the the kids on schedule. I made list for them and I try to have them take out their clothes the night before but this is all with limited success.
Meal planning is always a struggle.
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
***How do you tackle daily organizing and housecleaning?****
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