Sunday, April 16, 2017

Stop me, please!

I'm addicted, and can't stop.  Someone please stop me.  I cannot stop from buying plants for my garden.

I've been wanting to plant raspberries and blueberries for as long as I can remember.  We had a big bush for years as a kid and it was great to just go back there and chow down.  I've been hesitant to buy them as an adult for lack of space.  However, last year a neighbor bought a raspberry bush and planted it in a corner area of the communal garden.  Ever since, I've been plotting to do the same thing!!! 

Being the cheapo that I am, I scoured Craigslist (my new favorite past-time) and the Internet for discounted berry bushes.  I decide not to go via a mail order site since shipping would jack up the price. The options were, big box stores, farmers market, various out of town farms, and the backyard gardener who had tons of overgrowth and wants to sell some to make a few bucks.  The latter is the route I went.  I found this guy on Craigslist who isn't that far from my dh's office in New Jersey.  At my request, my dh purchased two small blueberry bushes (they say you need two for them to properly produce), two small raspberry bushes, and three nice sized strawberry plants.  He bought the lot for $30.  I guess that's a good price.  Who knows???

(While I did see a place in Westchester that was cheaper, I have a thing for immediate gratification and I wanted them NOW!!!  Not sure when we'd be able to get to Westchester.  Maybe we'll take a road trip this summer for more berry bushes.)

That same day dh picked up at Walmart a bunch of $1.50 plants such a big boy and better boy tomatoes, spinach, and a few others.  At the farmers market, I bought a bunch of $1 lettuces.  Then I went back to the market the follow week for more a 4 pack of strawberries, and a 4 pack of Brussel sprouts.  They were $3.50 and $2.50 each, respectively (I think).

Still the garden is pretty empty.  Often, I get gifted plants from my mother for my birthday (which I LOVE), but I never know what plants I'll get and when I'll get them.  Considering it's a short growing season here in NYC, it can be a little problematic.

I'm greedy and want MORE plants!!!!

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