One of the best ways to save money is to make your own lunches. They do not need to be gourmet or fancy. Whatever you do don't go to a restaurant, deli, or food court to get your mid day meal. Instead, make it. Leftovers, pb&j, tuna sandwiches are all are great options.
For those who work in offices or work from home, other ideas are to leave ingredients in your office fridge. I premake, then freeze rice to add as needed to meals. I also love certain low cost premade in the box meals. Check to make sure it doesn't have too much salt or additives. In addition, I keep a tub of Greek yogurt either to eat with honey or to add in with my favorite Indian food mix (see picture) and homemade, but now frozen, brown rice. Sliced avocado on top makes it even better. It's a great inexpensive and healthy meal. Don't forget to make use of the office microwave and toaster oven too.
Another alternative is to follow my coworker's lead. He goes to a nearby supermarket and stocks the office fridge with fresh salad fixings, deli meat, and bread. At lunch he then assembles his meal.
Be creative, you'll save money and your wallet and waistline will appreciate it.
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